I've currently got two conflicting ideas about how Applause should work.
The first, is that they're flat +1 modifiers to rolls. This is simple, means you know exactly how many Applause you need to use at any given time, and makes Critical Successes simple.
So, for example, let's say you roll a pool of 3d8, keep 2, and get a 10. You need a 12 to reach your target, so you add 2 Applause, crit, and gain 1 new Applause. Simple!
The second idea is that Applause are bonus d8s. In this example, you'd have a pool of 3d8, keep 2, but now, you have 2 Applause, which gives you 2 bonus d8s--granting you a pool of 5d8 instead. You have an average of 12 now, and crit again!
The bell curve for 5d8, keep 2, is a lot more skewed towards higher numbers (a 14 is, oh, ~17% with 5d8, compared to ~10ish for 3d8? Or thereabouts), and this will make things a little easier for players. Lower values are less likely with larger pools, too, with a score of 4 being about ~1%, versus, what, ~1.5%? It's hard to tell exactly, but it looks to be around that ballpark.
With bonus dice, you can only ever have what your Technique allows--so, for a keep 2 roll, you'd have a max of 16.
With +x modifiers, you can theoretically have whichever number you wish. Keep 2, add 2, and get an 18! Keep 2, add 4, and get 20!
Dice would be easier to balance for, if I were to have NPCs intended for certain Technique ranges. With +x Applause, the players could, theoretically, have any number they want.
The upside? You can get those double or triple target numbers, getting double or triple Applause.
Modifiers also give me more wiggle room for character customisation. What if there's a way to get a +2 or +3 Applause bonus? Double or triple that, and you could have some truly high numbers, generating the forward momentum I want.
With bonus dice, you're only ever getting the maximum that your Technique allows.
So, that's the question. Do I want to make it easier to MEET the target number, or easier to EXCEED it?
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